WINE STORY Dalmacija


We launched our Dalmatian Wine Story adventure with a view to promoting local vinters who cultivate their vineyards according to traditional customs and methods, lovingly preserving the ancient wine varieties from which they produce top quality wines.

 We aim to give wine lovers the pleasure of discovering these first class wines created by local Dalmatian vinters blending tradition and moderrnity.
winestory dalmatinsko vino
winestory dalmatinsko vino
winestory dalmatinsko vino
winestory dalmatinsko vino
In the wide world of wines and winemakers, Dalmatia, the soul of the Mediterranean, is known for the beauty of its vineyards, its excellent varieties and its charismatic winemakers with their savoir faire in the creation of excellent wines imbued with the spirit of littoral terroirs.

"Degust, Savour,Experience"

In an idyllic environment under the shade of beautiful olive trees, you will savour the best wines of our winemakers in a perfect blend of gustatory sensation and Adriatic lifestyle, as the wine encounters the palate and conveys a sense of deep wellbeing. These wines intoxicate in way that will make you a true winelover. 

Are you an

winestory dalmatinsko vino

Enophilia is the love of excellent wines imbued with the spirit of littoral terroirs. An enophile is a person intersted in wine and makes it a serious hobby. 

An enophile appreciates everything related to wine and  truly enjoys exploring, drinking and tasting new wines. One who truly values ​​wine will go to any length to discover the highest quality wines on the market.

An enophile is a collector. An enophile enjoys collecting different wines for more than mere consumption. An enophile researches different varieties by region and is interested in the way they are produced and marketed. An enophile makes collectors’ choices with the ultimate stringency. Often the enophile collects wine labels or wine boxes

Most enophiles enjoy wine as a hobby, and many will be keen participate in professional wine testing. They will engage in a dialogue with oenologists about the diversity of individual wines and their respective quality, and even about the methods and criteria used to evaluate the highest quality wines on the market.

An enophile is passionate about wine. That is all that is necessary to qualify as an enophile. Even those who are not deeply involved in wine culture or familiar with the technical aspects of the industry but simply enjoy discovering and savouring new wines are fully fledged enophiles!

An oenologist is a true wine connoisseur, an enthusiast who evaluates wine professionally. 

In contrast, an enophile truly enjoys wine, wants to sample the highest quality wines on the market, collects them passionately and is always eager to learn more about them.

An oenologist (Greek: oinos, wine; logos, science) is a wine connoisseur and expert formally qualified to assess the quality of wine. 

An enophile (Greek: oinos, wine; philos, friend) appreciates wine as a part of culture, an integral aspect of a certain lifestyle. An enophile is a wine worshiper. 


21213 Kaštel Gomilica, Dalmacija, Croatia


+385 95 3903820


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